
Fractals & Rendering Techniques in GLSL

This repository contains all my work with fractals. An explanation can be found here.

Fractal Shader

This shader can be used as a starting point to create other fractals. It has the following features:

The implementation can be found below:

#define N 64.
#define B 32.
#define SS 4.

float random (in vec2 st) {
    return fract(sin(dot(st.xy, vec2(12454.1,78345.2))) * 43758.5);

vec2 random2(in vec2 st) {
    return vec2(random(st), random(st));    

vec3 pal( in float t, in vec3 a, in vec3 b, in vec3 c, in vec3 d ) {
    return a + b*cos(6.28318 * (c*t + d));

float iterate(vec2 p) {

    vec2 z = vec2(0), c = p;
    float i;

    for(i=0.; i < N; i++) {
        z = mat2(z, -z.y, z.x) * z + c;
        if(dot(z, z) > B*B) break;

    return i - log(log(dot(z, z)) / log(B)) / log(2.);;     

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {

    vec2 R = iResolution.xy;

    vec3 col = vec3(0);
    for(float i=0.; i < SS; i++) {

        vec2 uv = (2. * fragCoord + random2(R+i) - R) / R.y ;

        float sn = iterate(uv) / N;   

        col += pal(fract(2.*sn + 0.5), vec3(.5), vec3(0.5), 
                   vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0), vec3(.0, .10, .2));

    fragColor = vec4(col / SS, 1.0);

Fractal Viewer

This is a link to a simple fractal viewer with limited controls. It shows the burning ship fractal.

Short and Fast Mandelbrot

An attempt to create a short, and fast, implementation for the Mandelbrot set in GLSL. Currently it stands at 176 characters, which is a little more than half a tweet.

#define R iResolution.xy
void mainImage( out vec4 O, in vec2 I ) {
    vec2 c = ( 2.*I - R ) / R.y, z = 0./R; 
    float i = 0.;
	for(; ++i <= 64. && dot(z,z) < 4. ;)
        z = mat2( z, -z.y, z.x ) * z + c;
    O = vec4(vec3( i / 64. ), 1.0);

It can be tested at Shadertoy.


More resources can be found at the following links:


In the screenshots folder are high-res pictures.


mandelbrot1.PNG mandelbrot2.PNG


julia1.PNG julia2.PNG julia3.PNG julia4.PNG julia5.PNG julia6.PNG julia7.PNG julia8.PNG julia9.PNG julia10.PNG julia11.PNG julia12.PNG julia13.PNG julia14.PNG julia15.PNG julia16.PNG julia17.PNG julia18.PNG julia19.PNG julia20.PNG julia21.PNG

Burning ship


Burning ship (Julia)

bshipjulia.PNG bshipjulia2.PNG bshipjulia3.PNG bshipjulia4.PNG bshipjulia5.PNG bshipjulia6.PNG bshipjulia7.PNG bshipjulia8.PNG bshipjulia9.PNG bshipjulia10.PNG bshipjulia11.PNG bshipjulia13.PNG

# GLSL code

Implementations of the fractals on ShaderToy: